Saturday, November 04, 2006

Down under

I was fortunate enough to go to Sydney the other week to attend the Global ICT Summit. This in itself was a very interesting event which provoked a lot of thought and lead to my being able to create a number of new contacts in the education technology field, as well as pick up some useful information on what is 'in' at the moment and where I might save myself some reinvention of wheels through collobaration.

However, conference and Sydney Harbour boat cruise done (nice grub!), the Blue Mountains beckoned, as only mountains can do, ina kind of stern, rocky way.

So I hopped on a train and ended up scoffing an excellent plate of fish and chips on the guesthouse veranda upon arrival. When one lives in the tropics, small pleasures such as vinegar and a light drizzle don't come one's way too often so thanks to nature and the Asian chippy employee I was in fair Antipodean heaven.

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